
What is Veganism?

Being vegan is not just a matter of diet, it goes far beyond. It’s a lifestyle choice based on respect, ethics and justice. A vegan is someone who is fully aware that there’s no need to harm others in order to live, and applies this awareness to all areas of his or her life. And not only does this apply to human beings, but to animals and other kinds of “beings” (plants, rocks, the planet itself…). It is a high goal indeed, given the present evolutionary level of the human race, but right now, it’s the right goal for anyone who wishes to grow as a person.

Naturally, the first step is to abolish animal abuse. This obviously implies not eating or using anything product of such abuse, such as meat, fish, chicken, eggs, milk and milk “products”; leather, wool, silk, “natural” sponges, animal-tested products (such as many detergents, shampoos, cosmetics, toothpaste, among many other things); going to places and shows where animals are exploited, such as circuses and zoos… in short, the idea is to stop picturing animals as a commodity, as objects you can own and do as you please with them, whose life is thus worthless and meaningless. Humanity must forget all about speciesism.

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